
Delivery time depends on the availability of the product in stock. In the event that a specific product is available in stock, we will dispatch the product to the customer immediately after sending you the Shipping Confirmation. We will not be responsible if we fail to deliver the product on time because the customer missed providing the previously requested delivery instructions for the product or the necessary information for the execution of the purchase contract, nor if the delivery of the product is hindered by circumstances beyond our control, such as border closures, courier strikes, virus epidemics, etc. We deliver products to customers using the services of JP Pošta Srbije for the territory of the Republic of Serbia and when the product is delivered abroad. Products are delivered within the territory of the Republic of Serbia within 2-5 (two to five) working days from the date of dispatch of the ordered products (as indicated in the Shipping Confirmation), or within 5-20 (five to twenty) working days from the date of dispatch of the ordered products (as indicated in the Shipping Confirmation) in the case of product delivery abroad. You are responsible for the delivery costs of the product (including all customs, taxes, and other costs that may arise). The delivery costs of the product will be charged simultaneously with the price.

In any case, the customer will be informed of any additional costs incurred in the Shipping Confirmation.

Until the moment of the product’s acceptance by the customer, we bear the risk of accidental loss, damage, or loss of the product during delivery. At the moment of accepting the product by the customer, the risk of accidental loss, damage, or loss of the product transfers to the customer. In order to deliver the product to you on time, it is necessary for you to provide the following information when ordering the product: name and surname, gender, place and address for delivery/place and address of residence, mobile phone number/landline number, and email address. For the purpose of product delivery, we are obliged to share certain personal data with the courier service responsible for delivering the product. Otherwise, we will be unable to deliver the product to you.

Inability to deliver

If it is impossible to deliver the product (e.g., you were not found at the delivery address), the order will be returned to the Merchant. A message with information on the location of the ordered products and what needs to be done to pick them up will be left for you. If, after 30 (thirty) days from the date when your order was available for delivery, it has not been delivered for reasons beyond our responsibility, we will assume that you want to terminate the purchase contract. It will be considered that the purchase contract is terminated on the first day after the expiration of the aforementioned 30 (thirty) day period. In the event of termination of the purchase contract, all payments received from you will be refunded, except for the delivery costs we bore (within the territory of the Republic of Serbia) or you bore (for deliveries abroad) within 30 (thirty) days from the date of termination of the purchase contract for the goods.

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